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A welcoming home for your business

Quality of life

Quality of life

Work and life. Balanced.

  • A place to live, not just to work, Ireland offers an unrivalled quality of life - no matter where you choose to set up your business

  • Ancient yet modern, steeped in culture and history yet young, vibrant and open, Ireland is a superb location for your teams to call home

Source the skills you need to make your investment in Ireland a success

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Source the skills you need to make your investment in Ireland a success

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Ensuring social stability

Under its Project Ireland 2040 strategy, the Irish Government plans major public investments targeted towards vital infrastructure, together with developing wellbeing indices to track key metrics around quality of life.

  • A progressive tax system reduces income inequality and fosters social stability
  • High levels of public investment planned for housing, infrastructure and healthcare

Open, diverse, multicultural

You’ll find Ireland is an open, multicultural, multilingual place. We’re committed to diversity and inclusion in society and industry. According to InterNations’ Expat Insider 2021 report, Irish people are extremely friendly towards foreign residents.

  • 200 different nationalities represented in Ireland
  • 22% of employees at FDI firms in Ireland are international

Quality of life

Recognised international indexes rank Ireland among the best places in the world for quality of life, satisfaction levels, household income, education standards, health and life expectancy.

  • 2nd highest quality of life in the world (UN HDI)
  • Among the highest life satisfaction in the OECD

Variety of locations

Ireland’s regions have plenty to offer business, from the North-West to the South-West via the Midlands, while every corner of Ireland offers a wide range of leisure activities for all tastes and ages.

  • Regional locations offer lower living costs than urban centres
  • 65% of Irish professionals live outside Dublin

Young and dynamic

Ireland can rightly claim to be the most dynamic economy in the EU. We have the youngest population in Europe and one of the most educated and diverse workforces in the world — not to mention the most flexible and adaptable.

  • 34% of the population aged 25 or less (Europe’s youngest workforce)
  • Higher third level education compared to EU average (55.4% vs 39.4%)

Success Stories: Hear from leaders calling Ireland home

A proven path

See all Success Stories
Boulder Media
Boulder Media is one of the largest animation studios Ireland

Boulder Media is one of the largest animation studios Ireland

Remaining successful in the thriving global animation industry is largely down to attracting and retaining high quality talent, making the studio the best place to produce a project. Partnering this talent with high quality projects allows Boulder Media to create the best content, entertaining audiences all over the world on a daily basis.

Qualtrics Chooses Ireland for its Skills Base

Qualtrics Chooses Ireland for its Skills Base

Ultimately, what you want is a geography where you can build an office that has broad market coverage. For a company going into Europe, Ireland has the lowest cost to set up a business, with a broad pool of talent from across the EU

Ireland is a strategic IT and engineering hub for chip giant

Ireland is a strategic IT and engineering hub for chip giant

Ireland is one of Qualcomm’s fastest growing R&D Centres, and the availability of talent and motivated people… are making meaningful contributions in terms of our technology roadmap.

Ireland is home to Stryker’s European Operations headquarters

Ireland is home to Stryker’s European Operations headquarters

Stryker's presence in Ireland is more than just a business expansion; it's a journey of mutual growth, skills development, and technological innovation that helps position Ireland as a global hub for leading innovation in the medical technology industry.

One of Ireland’s largest enterprise software development centres 

One of Ireland’s largest enterprise software development centres 

Ericsson creates game-changing technologies and services that shape our future and here in Athlone, as one of Ericsson’s largest R&D centres, we are at the forefront of opening new possibilities in communication for the world.

Cloud leader has invested $2billion+ in its Irish operations

Cloud leader has invested $2billion+ in its Irish operations

There is an abundance of talent in Ireland which helped us to exceed our talent growth targets ahead of schedule. Ireland is a great place to do business, the country’s creative culture and diverse pool of technical skills make it an ideal location for our rapidly expanding business

Reasons to invest in Ireland



Resilient and flexible infrastructure to support your business

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Quality of life

Quality of life

Work and life. Balanced.

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Find and nurture the people you need to make your business thrive here in Ireland

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Ireland's Economy

Ireland's Economy

An enduring location for investment

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